How to import dummy package for WordPress themes?

Where do I find Quickstart package?

* With PRO versions, you can download Quickstart package which you just need to install and make your site look exactly like our demo site, as well as access all template features. Therefore, just replace demo content with yours and enjoy your time!

After buying PRO version, you can log in to Customer Area and you will see four packages including:

  • Theme Install package
  • Dummy package (data like demo)
  • Documentation
  • Import Dummy package Guide

You just need to click on the Dummy package (data like demo) in order to download the installed file with .wpress.

System Requirement

  • PHP version 7.3 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater.
  • PHP scripts are set to 300 seconds

In order to install this dummy content package, you must install WordPress first. If you’re not install WordPress yet, just download it and install it on your hosting.

In short with steps

  1. Install WordPress core, download at
  2. Download & Install All-in-One WP Migration plugin
  3. Go to WordPress Admin panel > All-in-One WP Migration > Import, pick “.wpress” (dummy package) file and waiting for import process. This process will take 1-5 minutes, and up to 15 minutes, depend on your server/hosting.
  4. Success and login with new user and password

So, with short steps, if you have any issues, just read details steps as below.

Step by step how to install dummy package

Step 1: Download “All-in-One WP Migration” Plugins at Here

Step 2: Upload Plugin

You go to Plugins on Dashboard, click the button “Add New” & Upload File

Step 3: Active Plugin

Step 4: Import Quickstart File

Then go to “All-in-One WP Migration Plugins”  > “Import

Step 5: Select right Quickstart file

Select Import from “FILE”. And choose ‘[theme-name]-[xxxxxxx]-[xxxxxx]-[xxx].wpress

Step 6: Finish Quickstart Installation & New Login

After finish, process button “Close”, and go to link “Dashboard” on WordPress panel, you will back to Login Panel, please enter

  • User: admin
  • password: Customer@happyworks-2022
  • or password: Customer@happyworks-123

Note: All photos used on our template demo site get from free image resources such as and, so you can re-use it for your website without issue.

Troubleshoots and some general issues

*** Restore process will take long time than normally

=> Yes, this process depend on your hosting speed, some hosting will take from 5′ to 30′ to complete quickstart package.

*** Can’t complete restore process (example: go to 70% and stopped)

=> Yes, it’s issue with hosting space, it means your hosting space do not enough space for this quickstart package. Recommend you update your Hosting package, increase space with 1GB for minimum or more than. Otherwise, you can reset your WordPress to reduce space for your current website, steps as below

  • Step 1: Install plugin wp reset.
  • Step 2: Reset the site’s database to the default installation values without modifying any files.
  • Step 3: Go to Plugins > remove all plugins which have been deactivated
  • Step 4: Then, start your installation normally.

*** Can’t complete restore process (example: go to 1000% and stop) 

=> Yes, it’s an issue with the PHP timeout problem. By default, the maximum execution time for PHP scripts is set to 30 seconds. If a script runs for longer than 30 seconds, PHP stops the script and reports an error. You can control the amount of time PHP allows scripts to run by changing the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.

To change the maximum execution time, use a text editor to modify the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file. The php.ini configuration file contains the default settings for your PHP installation. You can increase the max execution time by updating the max_execution_time directive in this file.

  • Locate the php.ini file on your server.
  • Open the file and search for the max_execution_time directive.
  • Change its value to the desired number of seconds (e.g., 300 seconds for 5 minutes): max_execution_time = 300
  • Save the file and restart your web server for the changes to take effect.

*** After installed, I have many comments on website

=> On our demo site, we open Comment for everyone, so sometime you will get Spam with comments after install quickstart package. In this case, just install and use this plugin to clear all Comments with 1-click

After cleared it, please register Akismet Anti-Spam API key and signup with your website. This plugin (default WordPress plugin) will block all spam comments. So, you won’t get this issue again on future.

Have questions and need helps?

During installation, if you have any questions or problem that we’ve not mentioned in this guide yet, feel free leave us Comments, or contact us direct via our Contact Page, submit Ticket Support to get dedicated and fast response from us.

How to edit demo content in Quickstart site?

You can see full playlist about how to edit content in demo website, we made it with LT Business as example for this guide, but basically, it’s general guide that you can apply for all WordPress multipage themes that we’re providing.